Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5, 2019 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Reflection for the Day
Before I became sober in The Program, I blamed all my problems on other people, or on places and things. Now I'm learning to look squarely at each difficulty, not seeking whom to "blame" but to discover how my attitude helped create my problem or aggravate it. I must also learn to face the consequences of my own actions and words, and to correct myself when I'm wrong.

Do I practice the Tenth Step by continuing to take personal inventory? When I am wrong, do I promptly admit it?

Today I Pray
May I know the blessed relief and unburdening that comes when I admit I have done something wrong. May I learn - perhaps for the first time in my entire life - to take responsibility for my own actions and to face the consequences. May I learn again how to match actions with consequences.

Today I Will Remember
To take responsibility for my own actions.

Hazelden Foundation

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