Friday, December 7, 2018

Dec. 7, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Friday, Dec. 7, 2018

Reflection for the Day
As long as I stubbornly hang on to the conviction that I can live solely by my individual strength and intelligence, for just that long, a working faith in my Higher Power is impossible. This is true no matter how strongly I believe that God exists. My religious beliefs – no matter how sincere – will remain forever lifeless if I continue trying to play God myself. What it comes down to, we find, is that as long as we place self-reliance first, true reliance upon a Higher Power is out of the question.

How strong is my desire to seek and do God’s will?

Today I Pray
I pray that I may not place my self-reliance above reliance on God. May I know that there is no conflict between taking responsibility for my own actions, which I have been taught is the essence of maturity, and looking to God for guidance. May I remember that if I stick to the “do-it-myself” rule, it is like refusing to ask for a road map from a tourist information bureau – and wandering around forever lost.

Today I Will Remember
Maturity is knowing where to go for help.

Hazelden Foundation

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