Monday, August 6, 2018

Aug. 6, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step

Step by Step
Monday, Aug. 6, 2018

Today, just as preoccupation with the damage and guilt of yesterday can be deadly for us in recovery, so can be looking to tomorrow and fearing or dreading what it may bring. Therefore, let me seek my higher power's comfort to live only in today, and let me have the humility to ask his will of me and the gratitude that whatever I may face today is not more serious. Let me fully understand and believe that yesterday is gone and nothing in it can be undone except for amends I have made, and let me also understand and believe that tomorrow's fears may not come with the new day. Pray that I live only in today, in the now, for it truly is all I have. And our common journey continues. Step by Step. - Chris M., 2018

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