Monday, August 6, 2018

Aug. 6, 2018 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Monday, Aug. 6, 2018

Reflection for the Day
Sometimes through bitter experience and painful lessons, we learn in our fellowship with others in The Program that resentment is our number one enemy. It destroys more of us than anything else. From resentment stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we've been not only mentally and physically ill, but spiritually ill as well. As we recover and as our spiritual illness is remedied, we become well physically and mentally.

Am I aware that few things are more bitter than to feel bitter? Do I see that my venom is more poisonous to me than to my victim?

Today I Pray
I ask for help in removing the pile of resentments I have collected. May I learn that resentments are play-actors, too; they may be fears - of losing a job, a love, an opportunity; they may be hurts or guilty feelings. May I admit my need.

Today I Will Remember
Resentments are rubbish; haul them away.

Hazelden Foundation

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