Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time 
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 
Reflection for the Day 
For those of us who have lost our faith, or who have always had to struggle along without it, it's often helpful just to accept - blindly and with no reservations. It's not necessary for us to believe at first; we need not be convinced. If we can only accept, we find ourselves becoming gradually aware of a force for good that's always there to help us. 
Have I taken the way of faith? 
Today I Pray 
May I abandon my need to know the why's and wherefore's of my trust in a Higher Power. May I not intellectualize about faith, since by its nature it precludes analysis. May I know that "head-tripping" was a symptom of my disease, as I strung together - cleverly, I thought - alibi upon excuse upon rationale. May I learn acceptance - and faith will follow. 
Today I Will Remember 
Faith follows acceptance. 
Hazelden Foundation

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