Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sept. 4, 2012 - A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012

Reflection for the Day
Though I have prayed at various times in my life, I realized after several months in The Program that I’d never really prayed properly. I’d always tried to make deals with God, much like a foxhole atheist; I’d always pleaded, “Grant me my wishes,” instead of, “Thy will - not mine - be done.” The result was that I remained self-deceived and was thus incapable of receiving enough grace to restore me to sanity.

Do I see that in the past, when I prayed to God, I usually asked that two and two not make four?

Today I Pray
May I look back and review how I have prayed before, for specific solutions that I from my earthly vantage felt were best. May I question, in the longer view of time, whether those solutions would have been right, had God chosen to do things my way. In retrospect, may I see that my pleas were not always so wise. May I be content to trust God.

Today I Will Remember
God may not do it my way.

Hazelden Foundation

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